Welcome to Weobley & Staunton Joint Benefice

incorporating the Churches and Parishes of Weobley, Staunton On Wye, Norton Canon, Monnington, Sarnesfield, Byford and Letton in Herefordshire

Inclusive Church

As a Benefice, we believe in Inclusive Church – church which does not discriminate, on any level, on grounds of economic power, gender, mental health, physical ability, ethnicity, race, marital status or sexuality. We believe in Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which chooses to interpret scripture inclusively; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ.

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STAUNTON-ON-WYE SERVICES throughout January, February & March 2025

During January, February and March we are hosting our services in Staunton-on-Wye Village Hall, HR4 7LR

Cafe Church on the 2nd Sunday of each month with guest speaker and Communion Service on the 4th Sunday.


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Pancakes in the Pews

Tuesday 4th March 2025

11.00am - 1.00pm

Come Celebrate this Shrove Tuesday together with our delicious Pancakes in the Pews & coffee and chat too.........Yummy!

Weobley Parish Church

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Ash Wednesday

Join us as the season of Lent begins on Wednesday 5th March

We are holding our Benefice Ash Wednesday Communions Service in



All are welcome

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Coffee Morning with Pancakes

Saturday 8th March 2025

9.30am - 11.00am

Come along to enjoy delicious homemade pancakes, great coffee and warm conversation while in support of our beloved St Mary's Church

Staunton-on-Wye Village Hall

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Lent Lunches

Wednesday 5th March, 12.30-2pm The Vallets, Letton, Herefordshire HR3 6DN Contact: Lesley Overton - 07757 636261

Friday 14th March, 12.00-2.00pm Sarnesfield Court, Sarnesfield, Herefordshire HR4 8RE Contact: Roger Marshall - 07771 933808

Tuesday 25th March, 12.00-2.00pm Weobley Parish Church, Weobley HR4 8SD Contact: Carole Page - carolepage@hotmail.co.uk

Thursday 10th April, 12.00-2.00pm Common Farm, Byford Common, HR4 7JZ Contact: Maggi Denaro - mags.denaro@yahoo.co.uk

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Tea - Coffee - Cakes - Biscuits - Friendly Chat


2nd Tuesday of every month

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CTiW Lent Course

The Stations of the Resurrection

'He is not here - he has risen'

This Lent course explores some of the encounters with the risen Christ recorded in the Gospels. We will journey along with the disciples through episodes of amazement , confusion, questioning and exhilaration to delve deeper into the mystery and significance of the resurrection.

Led by Rev Philip Harvey

Meeting every Wednesday in Lent at 2.30pm, starting

Wednesday 12th March 2025 - 9th April

St Thomas Parish Room, Weobley

All are Welcome

Year of Engagement

Hereford Diocese has branded 2025 the ‘Year of Engagement'. With a strategy to build on three core behaviour values - to be prayerful, Christlike, and engaged. The events and activities this year will be based on the five marks of mission, summarised as Tell, Teach, Tend, Transform and Treasure, and led by our Mission Enabler for the Environment, Rev'd Stephen Hollinghurst. These values will help ensure that we proclaim Christ and grow as disciples in our faith. Being prayerful and confident in our Bible helps make us more outwardly looking and engaged Christians who live out our faith daily. 

For Year of Engagement events please click on the button below.

Weekly Reflection

thoughts and reflections from the Rev'd Philip Harvey

One of the choruses I remember singing as a small child was ‘When the roll is called up yonder’ which celebrates the names of those called out by angels and summoned to heaven. I used to wonder, regretfully, about those whose names were not on the roll. These days I am more inclined to wonder at the grace of an inclusive God who mercifully summons all of us.

2025 marks a year in which we are required by the Diocese of Hereford to renew our electoral roll (this process happens every six years). The old roll is cast aside, and we need to have all members, both new and existing, sign a new enrolment form.

Being on the electoral roll means that you can vote on church matters, attend the APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting) and stand for election to the PCC. Being on the electoral roll does not entail signing up to any additional commitments. However, it does help our church to show the strength of its numbers.

Whether you are on the present roll or not, we invite you to fill in a simple new form to ensure that you remain, or can be added, to the electoral list. Forms will be soon available at the back of each church and should, when completed, be handed to the electoral roll officer of each parish by or before the end of March.

The officers in each church are:

Weobley – Pat Millington

Norton Canon – Kim Hendricksen

Sarnesfield – Roger Marshall

Byford- Sue Hubbard

Monnington – Sarah Girling

Staunton – Barbara Arthur

Letton – Anna Hock and Jane Bryan

When the roll is called up yonder I’ll be there!

Rev’d Philip


Why remain in the Church of England?

Given all of the bad press the CofE has received over the last few months, and the               disappointment that some may feel after decisions made at General Synod, I thought this very eloquent article by Frances Ward to be worth sharing (published in The Church Times 7th February).


Lent – a season for reflection

The season of Lent, leading up to the events of Holy Week and the story of Easter, is a time for us to take stock of our spiritual journey thus far.

The Church of England has produced a Lenten series entitled ‘Living Hope’ which includes a daily reflection for the 40 days of Lent. The readings and reflections explore how we can have hope in times of frustration or uncertainty; the hope found in joining with others; the invitation to notice signs of hope around us; the courage to face reality and pursue a hopeful future; and the ways God transforms death into life at Easter. This is available as a booklet for sale or you can sign up with your email and have the reflection sent to you each day for free.


If you would prefer to participate in a Lenten face-to-face group study, I am running a Lent Course entitled ‘Stations of the Resurrection’, for five Wednesday afternoons, 12th March to 9th April, at 2.30pm in the parish room of St Thomas Catholic Church Parish, Kington Rd, Weobley, HR4 8QS. In this interactive course we will consider various readings from the gospels and journey along with the disciples through episodes of amazement, confusion, questioning and exhilaration to delve deeper into the meaning of the resurrection. All are welcome!

Rev’d Philip